Gastric Balloon

By filling the stomach with the balloon, there is a feeling of early satiety.

Gastric balloon2018-12-09T22:38:24+00:00

Project Description

Gastric balloon

It is a procedure considered restrictive, since it aims to achieve rapid weight loss by limiting the ability to eat and subject the patient to a special diet, accompanied by physical exercise, during the six months of the procedure.

The reason for introducing and placing the gastric balloon in the stomach is to significantly reduce its ability to receive food, while generating a feeling of almost permanent satiety that dissuades the patient from eating large amounts of food. The volume that the gastric balloon acquires when filled with physiological saline will depend on the BMI of each patient, and may reach up to 700 milliliters in cases of severe morbid obesity.

Colocación y Efecto

How is a gastric balloon placed?

The placement of a Gastric Balloon can only be done by a doctor specialized in Digestive Endoscopy, and is preferably carried out under general anesthesia. The folded balloon is inserted through the mouth into the stomach. Once in the stomach the balloon is filled with saline mixed with a dye. The balloon will remain floating in the stomach, significantly reducing its ability to house food. The duration of this intervention is usually less than 30 minutes, and usually does not require hospital admission.

What effect does the patient notice?
During the first days the patient may experience nausea and vomiting. After this time these symptoms tend to disappear and the patient will only notice that it is satiated with less food.


Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 5:00
Sunday 11:00 – 4:00

  +1 (809) 219-4114


  • Dr. Reyes  Clinic (Higüey)

  • Dr. Quevedo Clinic (Higüey)

  • Punta Cana Medical Center (Bavaro)



Some testimonials from patients satisfied with their surgery

A few days ago I just turned two years of my surgery and every day I am happier and more grateful of God and of you Dr. Torres, I want you to know that you are in my parents’ prayers, especially my mother’s, my life has totally changed for the better and I feel healthier and love myself even more, really this has been the best decision.


Do not give up with obesity I never thought of losing weight until, thankfully, Dr. Torres and the surgery helped me to recover my health and my life which I was losing little by little. Sometimes I can’t believe this is real, thankfully it is.


Grateful for his professional and humane treatment. Thanks for your care, for being attentive of the day to day of my process. Happy to see notorious changes in such a short time.